Lord, I feel exhausted! I can't take anymore! Does life ever get any easier?
The list can go on and on. How many times have we said these same words to God? The Bible says that God will never give us more than we can handle. Do we believe that? Can you believe that? This world is constantly begging for our attention. Our families, our friends and our church always need something.
But what about God?
"But seek first his kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Matthew 6:33
Do you go to God in prayer for every decision? Better question, do you go to God in prayer for anything? I have found that most people often neglect their prayer and study time with the Lord. How can you hear from God, how can you obey Him, how can you have an intimate, personal and practical love relationship with Him if you neglect to talk to Him daily?
I once posed this question to a class I taught for women: If you treated your spouse the same way you treated God, what would your marriage be like? Would you still be married? If so, how viable would the relationship be. Most of us (if we answer honestly) would be divorced by now. If you never talked to your spouse, spent time with them or consulted them there would be no relationship.
When we are overwhelmed and bombarded by the things we face in life we need to stop and ask ourselves what our true priorities are. In the beginning of putting this ministry together I began to feel completely exhausted, overwhelmed and ready to call it quits. I felt like the ministry was never going to get off and running, my job was a means to and end and my family life was just another thing on my to-do list. I could not even function, I did not even want to pray. You know what I realized through my tears of desperation? I was relying on myself completely! Sure, I was praying and studying daily. However, I did not trust that God could or would give me specific details for everything He had called me to do. I knew without a doubt three things God had asked me to do: Be a wife, mother and to start this ministy. I realized that in order to do all that He asked me to do I had to wholly rely on Him. Moment by moment, day by day to show me His plan.
"I am the vine, you are the branches, If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
Did you catch that? How much can we accomplish without Him? Nothing.
God promises us that if we seek Him first He will give us everything that we need. Stop trying to do everything, be everything to everybody. You can't! You are absolutely 100% guaranteed to fail.
I encourage each and everyone of you who are tired, weary and heavy-laiden come to the Lord and He will give you rest. We do not have to walk this road alone. Make God your first priority even when there does not seem to be enough time in the day and you are exhausted. Spend time with Him and watch to see what happens.
I have found no greater peace, happiness and contentment since I have put God as my first priority. There used to never be enough time, money or anything else. But now I marvel at the amazing things God has done in my life and my husband's. He is faithful, do not be afraid. Trust Him! He knows everything and He is everywhere, you are not.
Be encouraged! You are never alone. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Make Him your top priority and be blessed.